Monday 13 December 2021

Final Blog Post

My Relationship With Technology and its Impact on the World

 Technology has impacted my life a lot especially since the advancing in social media platforms. I like the way I use social media instead of a lot of other people because I do not edit my photos or show my best moments I post what I like and what I believe to be funny that will maybe put a smile on a few people's faces. I do not take my Instagram or Snapchat to seriously like how others will only upload their best pictures and their favorite moments that the believe other people will be jealous or whatever. I do not enjoy even going on Instagram anymore because how everyone is so fake with their pictures and how they hide themselves with filters and face tune. That is enough of talking about how other people use their platforms but yes, technology has impacted my life greatly, from being bored just seeing whats going on with other people to showing who I am, and sharing my hobbies with others and honestly just connecting with other people as a whole. Social media definitely has a role in my life but not as much as you would think for the typical 20 year old person. 

My so-called "digital footprint" is not all that, and I would say it is lower than most people my age. When you look up my name on the internet you can not even find my Instagram, you might be able to find a picture under images from my Instagram. I am actually quite proud of my digital footprint just because I would feel uncomfortable if you could find everything about me just by looking up my name on the internet. I do not believe that my online presence needs any editing because of how fine I am with being low key on the internet. The internet and social media in general have made the world a completely different place, and you see it everywhere you go whether it be at college or even in a city like New York, everyone nowadays is trying to be an influencer. Social Media and the internet have made it easier to find jobs and get connected with people from around the globe. 

I truly believe the effects of technology are more on the dark side and I have been thinking this for the last few years. Although there are definitely upsides to technology I think in the bigger picture it definitely has more downsides then good sides for the younger generations to come. I truly believe just like the video said the dark side like loneliness and FOMO are the terrible things that not a lot of people realize. For example, if you are laying in your bed and you did not get invited to go out with a group of people and you see all their posts on Snapchat "looking like a lot of fun" you may get depressed just from FOMO. I see it all the time whether it be girls or guys posting on their "fake stories" in bed looking sad because they are not out on a Friday or Saturday.  Although there is a balance of good and bad in my opinion I believe something needs to change, but I do not know how it will I only think it will get worse over time because of the impact social media already has on everyone. 

The dark sides of technology will only get worse over time because of cyber bullying and comments on other peoples posts. I see it all the time with famous people that constantly get hate comments just because of them living their life and I think that is terrible. What is the point of writing a mean comment on a post of someone who you do not even know? Does this make people feel good? Do they actually generally hate the thought of that person? Does it make them feel like a better person? I always went by if you do not have anything nice to say do not say it. I feel like that saying has slowly faded away since the expansion of social media because it is not face to face. It is sad but true that you will even see it on your friends posts from other people that just dislike the person. I hope one day they will figure out a way to make the upsides outweigh the dark sides of technology. 

On another note, Artificial Intelligence and online privacy is a whole different point of conversation with technology. Artificial Intelligence has been growing and is in almost every technology we use now, and I believe that if even Elon Musk says it needs to be slowed down and stopped before it gets too far is a scary thing to hear. The smartest guy on earth no debate is saying that it needs to be contained and slowed before it gets too far, is that not terrifying that no one listened to him years back and he just gave up on the subject? I think people should have listened to him or should start to listen to him now before artificial intelligence gets too far ahead of the human mind where it is not controllable. Online privacy on the other hand is also getting a little bit to crazy for my liking, and I will tell you why. If I am using my phone looking up who knows what then it is my data and I want control over my own data. Privacy rights on every social media platform there is state "that your data can only be used in ways you agree to and that you can access any information about yourself." What they do not tell you is that when you agree to the terms and conditions you pretty much sign those rights away. 

Have you ever been looking up a cool sweatshirt online that is a little out of your price range and your not going to buy it you just looked it up on the internet? Then maybe the next day or even an hour after you look it up you get an advertisement on your Instagram feed about that same exact sweatshirt. This happens to me constantly, even if I am not looking it up and I am just speaking about it to my friends or family. This to me is so outrageous because how many times is a coincidence not a coincidence anymore, and I feel like thats a question we should all ask ourselves. I do not think these major companies respect their users anymore and just care about making money so they take your data and artificial intelligence finds a way to put it in your face when your scrolling through Instagram or on Youtube and an advertisement comes up.

To sum up my thoughts on technology nowadays I believe it needs to slow down and people need to take a chill pill before it is too late. With the new Meta Facebook is releasing I think that is the end of social interaction as a whole because why would you leave your house when you can hop on the Metaverse and be a billionaire there rather than live paycheck to paycheck in your actual life. When human interaction dies in my opinion is when the major companies take full control and that is when your "online privacy" is no longer private. I think everything needs to slow down a bit so that way one day the upsides of technology will outweigh the dark sides of it.

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