Monday 13 December 2021

Blog #10

What I learned EOTO Part 2

During this round of EOTO presentations I felt more interested than the first set of presentations because I feel like this time every subject that someone had was actually very interesting, and they are subjects that people my age should know about. The one I found interesting the most simply because I have never heard the term "Citizens Journal." This one for me made me learn just off the start of the person who presented it. They started out by stating the definition which is "The collection, dissemination, and analysis of news and information by the general public, especially by any means of the internet." I learned a lot from this because I feel like I should have known already what it was. The citizens journal has its pro and cons. For example, a con of the citizens journal is that the news might be fake or misleading and this is why you should always fact check when you get news from social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook. The thing that is good about it is that you might see news that is not covered by the big programs like Fox or CNN. So you get to see news that maybe not everyone has seen and sometimes you might stumble upon it and find it very interesting.

This to me is a very impactful thing towards society, because it allows people to get an alternate view and different angles from other citizens. For myself, I get most of my news from social media because that is half the reason I use certain platforms like Instagram. Whether it be sports news or even news about other countries in the world. I learned that society has been more leaning towards this way of getting news and I really like that. I like that because it does not split the country in two like Fox and CNN do where there are two sides to every story because everyone likes to hear their opinion is correct. In the future hopefully this will help not divide the country like it has been the last few years. I picked this mainly because when they were presenting this topic of discussion I was thinking about the effects the Citizens Journal has as a whole. 

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Blog #10

What I learned EOTO Part 2 During this round of EOTO presentations I felt more interested than the first set of presentations because I feel...