Monday 13 December 2021

Blog #11

Artificial Intelligence has been expanding over the last few years crazier then we could ever imagine. It is crazy that it was just a concept in movies and just a few years later our technology is so advanced we have AI at our fingertips and even in apps like TikTok. Artificial intelligence is making it possible for machines to learn from experience just like a human mind. It takes inputs and then outputs human-like tasks. In the past few years artificial intelligence has taken over since the new evolution of technology such has software updates, new cell phones with 3D cameras, even your everyday Alexa that is in most houses nowadays. I find artificial intelligence to be more scary then it is helpful mainly because people who actually know everything about artificial intelligence are terrified at what it is going to turn into. 

I thought the video from what I watch on "In the Age of AI" was very interesting in what it was talking about since I have never really learned about artificial intelligence before. All I have ever heard about artificial intelligence was from movies or when Elon Musk said "it is more terrifying than nukes. The fact it is possible that a computer can learn just as quickly and easier than a human mind is scary especially when you start arming computers with military equipment such as guns and other things.

On the privacy topic of artificial intelligence I believe that with the facial recognition on all new iPhones is very scary. The fact my cell phone can recognize my face from someone else's is crazy to me and I think thats only the start. Also it is not only facial tracking but, also tracking all the data you search on social media or safari. Artificial Intelligence learns what you search and better habits your social media feeds with things of your choosing. Although there are some upsides to artificial intelligence like when a criminal gets caught by the government for a camera recognizing his face or being able to see where and what he looked up on his phone. Although this might seem like an invasion of privacy I feel like sometimes it can be used for the better good. 

Yes, Artificial Intelligence is helping the world expand in many ways but I would enjoy it not to be so much in our daily lives. For example, what if our phones did not track and learn from everything we look up. To me it is quite weird when I look up something online than an advertisement pops up on my Instagram feed a day or two later.There are definitely upsides to artificial intelligence but I think in the future we are not prepared for what it will turn into.

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