Sunday 12 December 2021

Blog #5

To start out I checked out ANTIWAR.COM which at first site looked like a mess of a website and I did not really understand how to navigate through it because it was all links. I like this site because there are no ads to make money off of it is just very strong views coming from a certain point. I do agree it is an obscure site but definitely one that people should view to see how strong these antiwar views are. We never seem to hear about these views on mainstream news because our news loves to talk about war to hook in its viewers. People much rather watch what is happening in other countries rather than hear about how people are against it. Without displaying the terror to the mass amount of viewers they will not make as much money as they want and they only care about their ratings. Displaying news that is happening in other countries will attract a viewers attention because why would they not want to know what is going on with our country and other countries beef. 

The American Conservative on the other hand is a lot more organized and even has tabs to navigate through the site. It also has way less room for ads than most normal websites do nowadays. I like both these sites because they are so strong when talking about certain topics. This is another one that we will not see on mainstream news channels or websites simply because it will not raise the ratings on that station. These websites are so obscure and hard to find simply because not a lot of people are viewing them because "no one wants to hear others opinions" unless it benefits the reader or listener. Uncertainty in our citizens while our country is at war with another country is a big reason why people watch mainstream news. It will make them look for more information which is only on the big channels, and this way it is a win-win, the viewer gets to listen to what they want to hear while the news channels ratings and amount of viewers is going up. It is crazy to me that unjust panic will make these mainstream media platforms gain more money from scaring people. We need more platforms like the two websites I was just reading around, maybe it will make people stop being so crazy when going out in public after they hear prices are going up. 

I do believe war is just one big money making scam for big news companies and other mainstream media platforms. Even for me I get me news from all these mainstream media platforms especially news channels and the more I find out in this class the more I do not care to watch anymore. Something needs to change and certain voices need to be heard. Just like in the picture above, war is "Good for few, and Bad for Most."

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