Sunday 12 December 2021

Blog #9

Diffusion of innovations is an interesting theory that basically states and explains how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread. 

An innovation I would like to talk about is TikTik just because how much I truly despise that app and how I think it ruined social interaction. I believe it came to be as popular as it is today because of the deletion of Vine and that Instagram never had an all video platform that you could scroll through. After TikTok got popular Instagram added the TV section so now it pretty much is TikTok in itself. I believe that most people my age especially the younger generation have adopted the use of the app and in my opinion use it a little too much. I see it all day, people making videos in public acting a fool, I see people watching them scrolling for hours on end in my own house. I do however believe it is a very good app to get recognized on if you have a business idea or are a music producer, but I cannot stand the sight of seeing people in public "dancing" in front of their phone. I chose to delete the app because how easily it is to get distracted on it, you go on it to watch a video your friend sent you then catch yourself an hour later still on the app. I do see a lot of downsides to the app and I also understand the upsides that come with it. The downsides, for me a big one is the fact how it is slowly ruining social interaction and I especially see it with young teens that missed out on school because of Covid and just on TikTok for a year straight. 

I think people opt-out of TikTok mostly because of the fact of how cringe it is seeing teenage boys and girls dance in front of their cell phone in public. It has been adopted by the younger generation because their role models are the super famous people that they want to be like. They try being like them by trying to go in public and acting like them but it just makes for bad content. Another reason why people are hooked on it is because it uses AI to understand what you are into and will only feed your mind videos that you like, so why would you ever want to get off the app? It is definitely a good technique and marketing tool but I think it is a little too far.

It is crazy to see how far technology has came especially from. TikTok is for sure a well made and thought out app and I am scared for what the next social media app is going to be if AI is already starting to be as crazy as it is today. In my opinion the negatives outweigh the positives for TikTok but I know 75% of the population would disagree simply because how much they are addicted to the app and do not know facts on it. It already has gotten over 1 billion users and I believe around 500 million daily users which if you think about it is just an absurd number.

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Blog #10

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