Sunday 12 December 2021

Blog #7


Most people nowadays understand that everything you do on the internet is recorded but to what extent is it actually being recorded and how must privacy do we actually have. Privacy has been a main topic of conversation over the last few years because of all the platforms that everyone uses daily. Platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook all have you accept their terms and conditions which pretty much say that they use your information to "make their platform better." No one really knows what information they are taking and why they actually need it and why they are allowed. Privacy is definitely the most vexing issue of the digital age and I think it will continue for years to come unless a new law comes out that says it is illegal to take peoples information when not using the platform or app. I agree that technology is wonderful until it is turned against us and with new recent things happening to famous people such as John Gruden and his emails from ten years back. 

In Juan Enriquez's Ted Talk Your Online Life, he talks about the lack of privacy that the internet has nowadays. He relates the internet and its privacy to a tattoo as he says it is permanent and will outlast most peoples life spans. However he says this kind of tattoo is way more dangerous and that it can actually ruin your life. Also he talks about facial recognition and I always think about that I find it very weird that your phone can tell who you are. I feel like it is going to end up taking a bad turn in the near future, somehow, someway because usually things like that always go back.

Since the world is full of technology and everyone has it at their fingertips it is scary how one day everyones information can just appear out of no where. Just like John Grudens emails maybe one day when someone is getting a job they go back and look at their texts and emails since the world is starting to become softer. I feel like in the near future everyones privacy will slowly be violated and when you look someone up on the internet all their information will come up. I can already look up my name and it brings up what college I go to and where I work.

Who knows what else you will be able to see in a few years.

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