Monday 6 December 2021

Blog #6

 EOTO Presentations, What I learned.

During our presentations in class I learned many things about a bunch of different technologies that were all created at different times for the last couple centuries. One that stuck out to me happened to be in my group and it was the creation of the World Wide Web. From what it started out as to what it is today is definitely something worth noting and talking about. The first proposal of the World Wide Web is interesting just how it was put on paper and what it says it will have. It ended up coming out in 1992 and just in a two years span had 10 million users. After the first two years it began to boom and now it is a part of everything we use and everything around us. My classmate stated that "social media, music, news, stocks, shopping, and even financial transactions are all possible because of the creation of the world wide web." This stood out to me just because how much it has changed the world and how it is in our daily lives so much without us even realizing. Even writing this blog post I am using it and I did not think about that until just now. Without this creation a lot of things would not be possible in todays world. I guess you can go along the other lines and say "if it was never created people would be more sociable and healthier." I agree with both sides especially since of how much I dislike the internet and social media. I also think it has been a huge part in people being smarter because it allows us to get information at our fingertips very quickly. This is definitely to me by far one of the most important inventions ever created and I think it is not looked at like that. One more thing that I believe people did not realize was the fact that computers started as black screens with green writing and you have to be very smart to know how to use the internet. Nowadays kids are born with using it the first few years of their life whether it be on their parents phone or a computer. When it was first created only a few out of every 10 people knew how to use it and just in 20 years every single person can figure out how to use it. My big question is what is next for the world wide web and where will it take us.

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Blog #10

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