Sunday 21 November 2021

Blog #4

My technology I chose was the typewriter for the sole purpose that it was always an interesting invention to me, and how it shaped future computers. It is crazy to me that we still use the same keyboard layout (QWERTY) which was created in 1874. In 1714 the first patent was made for the typewriter but it was not until 1868 that the second patent was made. In 1867 the first practical typewriter was created even though the first patent did not come out until 1868. The man who made the first typewriter was named Christopher Latham Sholes. It was reinvented over a dozen times. The typewriter was not common in offices until the late 1880's. In 1872 Thomas A. Edison made the printing wheel which made typewrites electrical. The typewriter was often only used by professional writers and business in private homes. It quickly became a tool for all writing besides handwritten letters. It had a huge impact on the world and future inventions. It heavily accelerated social change and opened up more jobs for females in an office for the first time like ever. This cause businesses to run smoother and overall the economy to thrive in power as a whole. The typewriter really had no long term negative effects, when nit first came out however the negative effects were just the invention alone being expensive, complicated and heavy. If I were to make a pros and cons list from today there would be no cons on it. It shaped the future for many other inventions. A typist was someone who could use a typewriter back then and could type anywhere from 100-150 words per minute. A typewriter is described as "an artificial machine for the impressing or transcribing of letters singly or progressively one after another." It was in use in almost every home and office up till the late 1980's until modern day computers were released in the 1980's. I thought it was cool that the keyboard for a typewriter was designed based off of piano keys. The first typewriter made was called the "Sholes and Gidden." 

The typewriter changed the world forever, it made it easier to create documents by reducing the time and expenses on all documents. This encouraged the spread of different kinds of management that we have never seen before at that time and it allowed communication to be easier and faster between people or businesses. It opened up countless jobs and changed a lot of peoples lives. It also helped manufacturers business offices grow in sequence with quicker transportation networks. Till this day some people use typewriters or have them as an art piece, it has a few benefits to use, such as, you are less distracted when using one and you have to do better research prior to writing. We know now that modern day computers have replaced them but I still think typewriters are a really cool invention that changed the world forever. I do believe it is one of the top inventions ever created and probably had one of the biggest impacts on society.

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