Wednesday 3 November 2021

Media Law and Literacy

 October 29th, 2021

1st Source is Fox News

This is probably my third or fourth favorite news source, I am a big fan of it because it always shows the bigger picture on things. I am not a political news person but it definitely has other sides to things that I like to learn about. It does not just talk about Covid-19 like a lot of news stations have been doing for the past year or so. Fox News is the thing I used to wake up to since about 3rd grade and still to this day you will see me with Fox News on the television almost everyday. Also a side note is that I think their news-tellers have quite the senses of humor.

2nd Source is New York Post

I like the New York Post only for a few reasons; One reason is that if I look something up on Google this is usually one of the first few links at the top and I feel like it is a reliable source to find information. It has celebrity news which I am not a big fan of and also it has political news and business news. 

I do however sometimes enjoy the celebrity news when it happens to be of a celebrity that I like to know about. I am not one of those girls with the Kardashian love that need to know every second about their life but I do like to know the major things of a few celebrities lives.

3rd Source is Wall Street Journal

This is probably my most favorite news source because it is focused on mainly business, and for me since I am big into stocks and day trading this is where I am hours on end to find news on business that has just came out. It is great for even just keeping up with the world of business so you know what is happening around the world and if you get into a conversation with a business man that you probably would want to know about quite a few things going on. It has also been around since I believe the 1880's and is still updated daily and is based out of New York. It is a great source of valuable information that everyone should have an idea about. 
        The post I put under this text is based on 9/11 and this is just an example of the kind of work they do daily.

4th Source is Jerry News

This is the only news source on Instagram I really actually enjoy and will look through its posts. It has hourly updates about all the big news around the world. It is a small news company with only about 1.2 Million followers. Although it is small and unknown it is really easy to click on their page on Instagram and find a lot of information about the world in a few posts. It takes both sides of the political world and even has sports news and all other types of news. It is by far my favorite regular news source on social media because I am not a big Instagram person and this just so happens to be the only news source I follow.

My last source number 5 is ESPN

This is by far my favorite news source for the life of all sports, It updates me on my phone every score of every game. When something in the sports world happens I get a notification straight to my phone. My favorite team is the Sixers for the NBA. If they trade a player I will know in about two minutes of that trade, the people who run ESPN are hilarious, they are awesome to watch, and the fact news gets sent straight to my phone with scores is awesome. The only time I do not like the notifications is during big games when my TV is behind and I get a whole spoiler sent to my phone and the game is ruined for me.

This picture below is just to show the kind of news they post or have on television daily. Stephen A. Smith is quite the character and has the most outlandish views but is still great to use.

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