Friday 12 November 2021

Blog #2

 During our lecture in class and based off the Supreme Court Video I learned a lot of valuable information that I definitely should have knew before watching the video but did not. The one one fact I found that was very interesting to me is that every case they look at has the same point of view no matter what kind of case it is. Not one case is more important than the other even if it is the worst case they have ever heard of. I like this idea because it gives everyone fair trials no matter who they are and in my head I believe this is the best way to do it and am shocked that in todays world that is still the rule. I did learn however that they shuffled through five and ten justices before finally deciding on nine. I always thought this was a set number since the Supreme Court was created. I believe the most important take away from the video I watched was the fact that William Howard Taft was chief justice and president at the same time which I thought was the most important takeaway because of how crazy that is to me. The fact I did not know that and that might be one of the craziest things in history to happen. Until the last few days I never realized how the Supreme Court only has around 100 cases a year that they accept and they will get 100 cases a week but not take a high percent of them.

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Blog #10

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